J.P. SERVICES of Sarasota, LLC
Concrete Cutting - Core Drilling - Demolition
Sarasota FL. 941-587-4362

J.P Services of Sarasota has the right tools and equipment to handle all of your concrete cutting needs throughout Sarasota, Bradenton, and Southwest Florida.
Our Concrete Cutting Services Include:
Slab Sawing is used to saw horizontal surfaces like flooring, walkways, curbs, and asphalt in order to cut trenches for electric or plumbing. In enclosed areas where there can be no gas fumes, we use electric slab saws to achieve the desired results.
Wall Sawing or Track Sawing equipment is used to cut door, vent and window openings on vertical surfaces or steep inclines where Slab Saws cannot be used.
Pile Sawing or Pile Breaking is used to remove piles before a remodel or expansion.
Concrete Chain Sawing is used so there are no overcuts. Used around doors and window openings.
Hydraulic Hand Sawing can be used on concrete and reinforced concrete, brick, asphalt, and metal.
Wire Sawing is useful for surfaces that are too thick, too large, or too inaccessible for more conventional methods. Wire saws can be used to cut through reinforced concrete, Steel, Brick, Granite or Stone.
J.P. Services can handle wall to wall removal of unwanted floor surface.
We have a wide array of jack hammers and concrete chipping hammers and chipping guns to handle any size job.
Floor Grinding is used to smooth out or clean the top surface of a concrete slab in order to eliminate trowel marks, smooth rough edges, remove coatings or high spots, or to add texture to a slippery surface.
Let our knowledgeable estimators provide you with all the information you need to make a decision about the least disruptive and most cost effective methods for completing your Concrete Cutting project.